I got my camera nearly a year ago, which means I’ve now experienced a year of photography with a proper camera. A common focus seems to be close ups of single flowers or a small group of flowers. I recently spent some time going through all of my photos and picking out my favorites that fall into this category. I found plenty of photos that were absolutely dreadful (ranging from accidentally taken to out of focus to terrible angles), so please don’t think all of my photos look like these. All of the following photos are very slightly edited in Lightroom, mostly with a focus on adjusting the point curve.
The date on the first photos I took (and didn’t delete) is November 1, 2020. The photos from that day mostly looked like this, but not as well framed or in focus.
Those same roses were subjected to snow a short time later.
Several months later, spring arrived along with new flowers.
These too were subjected to snow.
Eventually the spring flowers were downed by rain.
The summer that followed was filled with lilies.
There were also gladiolus stalks, petunias, and dahlias.
Late summer brought the vibrantly colored hibiscus.
The last flowers before the cold of fall were the presented by a stonecrop.
And then the flowers ran out for the year, except the roses. I’ll need to figure out a new subject to focus on until spring.